This report covers the period 1/January/2009 to 31/December/2009.
In brief
Programme purpose:
The Central Africa Regional Representation (CARREP) programmes are aimed at meeting the Federation's four Global Agenda Goals within the region, which include to reduce the numbers of deaths, injuries and impact from disasters; reduce the number of deaths, illnesses and impact from diseases and public health emergencies; increase local community, civil society and Red Cross/Red Crescent capacity to address the most urgent situations of vulnerability; and reduce intolerance, discrimination and social exclusion and promote respect for diversity and human dignity.
Programmes summary:
In 2009, considerable efforts were made in Disaster Management (DM), Health and Care, Organizational Development (OD) and Principles and Values (P&V) programmes implementation. As far as DM programme is concerned, the humanitarian context characterized by population movement and emergency situations such as violent winds in CAR and Gabon dictated the focus of interventions. Nevertheless, some development activities such as the restructuring of DM teams in Cameroon and Central African Republic (CAR) were carried out, and national and community disaster response teams were trained. In the area of health and care, the efforts made during this reporting period fell in line with the fight against HIV-AIDS, epidemics and malaria, with special focus on the activities to assist CAR refugees in the Adamaoua and East regions of Cameroon. As far as the OD programme is concerned, while focus was also on the CAR refugees operation with the creation of 72 new Cameroon Red Cross Society local branches to facilitate the implementation of the operation in the East and Adamaoua regions, some efforts were made towards the restructuring of Red Cross divisional and local committees in Congo Brazzaville and CAR. In the area of P&V promotion, the low level of funding received did not allow the implementation of all activities as initially planned. However, both CARREP and the National Societies it is covering succeeded in producing and publishing a few issues of their respective news bulletins or magazines to promote Red Cross and Red Crescent Fundamental Principles and Humanitarian Values, as well as their respective activities carried out for the benefit of the most vulnerable in Central Africa.
Mindful of the low level of funding received and the consequent low level of programmes implementation that has been recorded, CARREP decided to review their programmes objectives and budget (see Programme Update No 1).